Exhibit Preparations

Banners are waiting to be hung

We received the Legacy Washington exhibit, Washington 1889: Blazes, Rails, & the Year of Statehood on Monday and promptly began putting it together.  The display will feature six large panels supported by several smaller visuals and chronicle Washington State’s road to statehood.

A year of big dreams, big burns and big politics,1889 captured a place in our history as a time of great prosperity and adversity. The face of Washington changed. Pioneers arrived and townsfolk rebuilt from the rubble. Finally, on November 11, 1889, Washington rose as the 42nd state in the union.

The Puyallup School District is so fortunate to have a partnership with the Secretary of State’s office.  As keepers of the state archives, Secretary Kim Wyman and her staff have access to a resources rich in content and meaning.  The researchers and writers of Washington 1889 have done a great job in presenting interesting material in a visually pleasing format.

History buffs who wish to do more research or reading on their own will benefit from the long list of references posted on the Legacy Washington website.  Those interested will find selections from the Washington State Library in recognition of Washington’s Quasquicentennial, and writings on Pacific Northwest Americana and Washingtonia written since 1989.

We hope you will come visit the Karshner Museum and Center for Culture & Arts once the new exhibits are complete.  The Karshner Center will host several school district meetings in August, then open to the public beginning September 8, 2015.  Come see what’s under the cupola!

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